Dry Needling Therapy Brisbane is a specialised manual therapy strategy for treating myofascial pain and dysfunction. It involves inserting small needles into the musculoskeletal system, similar to those used in acupuncture, to deactivate trigger points (muscle knots that cause widespread pain, weakness, and loss of function) and to change faulty neurological (nerve) and pain reporting mechanisms.
Dry Needling Therapy Brisbane is a primary modality of clinical myotherapy, a branch of manual medicine that focuses on the treatment and management of musculoskeletal pain, which includes pain originating in the muscles, joints, and associated connective tissue.
However, Dry Needling Therapy Brisbane is also practised by a wide range of medical and allied health professionals, including massage therapist Brisbane.
Dry Needling & Massage Brisbane is used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal disorders, such as acute and chronic pain, biomechanical dysfunction, and postural issues. It has been established in studies to be one of the safest and most effective methods for treating pain, particularly back, neck, shoulder, and limb pain, and it can help with a variety of headache and sciatic problems.
Although both Dry Needling Therapy and acupuncture use the same tool, the single-use needle, their approaches are very different. Acupuncture is a treatment based on the passage of chi through the meridians, the body’s natural energy that circulates throughout the entire body. Dry Needling Therapy is unique in that it concentrates on the biological reasons of musculoskeletal pain in the body, boosting the nervous system’s own pain reporting mechanisms and assisting in the ‘turning down’ of pain.
Dry Needling Therapy accomplishes this by increasing blood flow, providing oxygen and nourishment to tissues, eliminating toxins and debris that irritate the body, and promoting the release of powerful “pain-killing” chemicals like endorphins and dopamine. Unlike medicines like ibuprofen, paracetamol, and aspirin, which mask pain, dry needling therapy helps to cure the root of pain and dysfunction, removing the reason for it to exist.