Here are few examples of Remedial Massage Therapy Brisbane techniques you might encounter while on our table. Muscle Freedom is constantly looking for ways to improve the service we provide in order to achieve the best results for our clients.
We at Align Massage treat a wide range of conditions, so we need a large arsenal of Remedial Massage Therapy Brisbane techniques to combat muscular problems.
Dry Needling
It is a type of therapeutic massage should not be confused with acupuncture. Dry Needling Brisbane is the process of inserting a fine, sterile needle into a trigger point to relieve pain and tightness. It also helps to strengthen tendons and ligaments by causing a local inflammatory response in the affected tissue.
Dry needling can help with muscle injuries of all kinds, including tennis elbow, tension headaches, and sciatica. So, how bad is it? When the needle is inserted into the trigger point, you may notice a twitch and some clients may experience a deep aching or burning sensation. It is possible that the muscle has tightened or “cramped.” Referred pain is common, so keep in mind that it is a good sign that the needle is working.
This traditional Chinese massage technique employs cupping therapy Brisbane tools to apply negative pressure to the soft tissue, improving range of motion, blood supply, and heat to the treated area. Cupping also promotes fluid movement, which aids in recovery, and provides nutrient-rich blood supply to the affected area. Myofascial cupping relieves muscle tension by stimulating the central nervous system.
Align Massage Camphill specializes in muscle treatment and maintenance. Please make an appointment for a massage by visiting or call us +61 733 988 274.